What is C#?
C# (pronounced "C Sharp") is a type-safe, simple, modern, object-oriented programming language. The C# programming language is based on C languages such as C and C++, and it is very similar to Java programming.
To run c# applications, the C# programming language was based on the.NET Framework. On our computers, we must install a.NET Framework component.
Why we need to use C#?
- C# is an object-oriented programming language that can be used to create apps.
- C# can be used to create applications for Windows, the internet, and mobile devices.
- Unchecked type casts are unlikely in C# since it is a type-safe programming language.
- For error detection and recovery, C# offers a standardized and extensible approach.
Since the same C++ programming OOPS (object-oriented programming) principles will be used in c# with extra features, it will be simple for you to understand c# tutorial concepts if you have a basic understanding of C, C++ programming.
Content of the C# Course
The following are the various topics in c# programming that you can learn with examples.
- C# Introduction
- C# Environment Setup
- C# Hello World Program
- C# Data Types
- C# Variables
- C# Value & Reference Types
- C# Keywords
- C# Namespaces
- C# Comments
- C# Operators
- C# Arithmetic Operators
- C# Relational Operators
- C# Logical Operators
- C# Bitwise Operators
- C# Assignment Operators
- C# Operators Precedence
- C# If Statement
- C# If Else Statement
- C# If-Else-If Statement
- C# Nested If Statement
- C# Ternary Operator
- C# Switch Statement
- C# For loop
- C# While Loop
- C# Do-While Loop
- C# Foreach Loop
- C# Break Statement
- C# Continue Statement
- C# Goto Statement
- C# Return Statement
- C# Methods
- C# Pass By Value
- C# Pass By Reference
- C# Out Parameter
- C# Params Keyword
- C# Arrays
- C# Multidimensional Arrays
- C# Jagged Arrays
- C# Pass Arrays to Functions
- C# Classes and Objects
- C# Constructors
- C# Copy Constructor
- C# Static Constructor
- C# Private Constructor
- C# Destructor
- C# this
- C# Static
- C# Static Class
- C# Constant
- C# Readonly
- C# Structures
- C# Enum
- C# Properties
- C# Partial Class
- C# Partial Method
- C# String
- C# String Split
- C# String Replace
- C# String Concat
- C# String Contains
- C# Substring
- C# String Compare
- C# String Remove
- C# String Format
- C# String Equals
- C# String Clone
- C# String Copy
- C# String Trim
- C# String Join
- C# String IndexOf
- C# StringBuilder
- C# Access Modifiers
- C# Encapsulation
- C# Abstraction
- C# Inheritance
- C# Method Overloading
- C# Method Overriding
- C# Virtual
- C# Override
- C# Base
- C# Polymorphism
- C# Sealed
- C# Abstract
- C# Interface
- C# Delegates
- C# Events
- C# Collections
- C# Arraylist
- C# HashTable
- C# Queue
- C# Stack
- C# Generics
- C# Generic Constraints
- C# Generic Collections
- C# List
- C# SortedList
- C# Dictionary
- C# HashSet
- C# System.IO
- C# FileStream
- C# TextWriter
- C# TextReader
- C# StreamWriter
- C# StreamReader
- C# BinaryWriter
- C# BinaryReader
- C# FileInfo
- C# DirectoryInfo
- C# Serialization
- C# Deserialization
- C# Exception
- C# Exception Handling
- C# try-catch
- C# try-catch-finally
- C# throw
- C# Custom Exception
- C# Var
- C# Dynamic Type
- C# Nullable Types
- C# Anonymous Types
- C# Anonymous Methods
- C# Indexer
- C# Reflection
- C# IEnumerable
- C# Yield
- C# Regex
- C# String Interpolation
- C# Extension Methods
- C# Optional Parameters
- C# Named Parameters
- C# Threading
- C# Multithreading
- C# Sleep
- C# Lock
- C# Timer
- C# Task
- C# Tuple
- C# ValueTuple
- C# Func
- C# Action
- C# Predicate