Best release monitor crrowd

Crrowd is awesome site which provides lots of information about product releases and many more.

Best release monitor crrowd

Crrowd is a fantastic website that provides lot of information about the product and its release dates. They have a fantastic release monitor.

Any one can join this site but have to attend there quiz in which you have to answer some question and pass with flying colors to get invitation code. Requirements and information are given below:

1. You have 5min (timer in the top left corner!)
2. Get at least 15 answers right and we'll email you an invite code to Crrowd app!

Good luck!

20 questions about tech companies, gadgets and more:

? - basic
? - easy
? - medium
? - difficult
? - hardcore?

As seen above quiz will have question mixed up from basic to hardcore. If 15 answers are given right out of 20 an invitation code will be sent. For more information about invitation system clickhere.

Not only this they have there own Gadget release monitor which is completely managed by them as we can find blog about there App and Database updates.

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