I won't be tracked just by browsing websites?#busted

I won't be tracked just by browsing websites?#busted

Browser Fingerprinting is the latest sneaky way that websites can track your online activities. It's even more troublesome than browser cookies. And while the general public have heard of cookies, far fewer have ever heard of Browser Fingerprinting. Browser Fingerprinting is the process of gathering data that can be used to identify an individual Internet user. While it may not allow someone to identify a user by name, it can still be a highly profitable, and privacy destroying technique. Test Your Browser.

The main method used to uniquely identify and track people while using private browsing is named “browser fingerprinting.” everyone have a unique fingerprint, so does every browser. Websites can study version numbers of your browser, the plugins it uses, and dozens of other points of browser information to make a singular ID, a browser fingerprint, which will then be used to track you. Check out the interactive site ClickClickClick that shows you this information as you interact with it in real time. It’s Creepy!

However nowadays this is often the way governments and firms are tracking your data. whether or not your hiding behind a VPN or proxy, you'll be able to still leave yourself vulnerable. It also applies to Private mode or Incognito mode.

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