We really love listening music for free but nowadays best app providing music all over the world have Ads every where. Lets get into Spotify which provide free/paid music to everyone but there is a catch in Spotify free version that's ADS in between music session which is really distracting in which they say:

 If you want to Listen to guilt free music subscribe to Spotify Premium.

Lets know how Spotify works. Spotify works with record labels rather than artists. Spotify pays the labels in accordance with their agreement, and the record labels then divide any leftovers to the artists. It has always been this way; however, with the advancement of technology, this has been more widely known. Spotify is not to blame for the musicians' continued suffering. I'm still shocked that the musicians didn't take matters into their own hands and strike deals with Spotify when the opportunity arose. It is now too late, as the record companies have reclaimed the initiative.

So don't feel guilty, everything is still legal and set up the same way it used to be, the middleman gets the biggest piece of the cake.

Free version Spotify App without Ads in Linux

Files required to start installation process, all file should be at same location. We will be using git project https://github.com/abba23/spotify-adblock.git in our script.

Folder Structure:

  1. spotifyapp.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Music Player
Exec=env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/spotify-adblock.so spotify %U

2. Spotify latest app


3. spotify-install.sh

debfile=`find . -iname "*spotify-client_*amd64.deb"`
if [ -f "$debfile" ] && [ -f "$desktopapp" ]; then
    echo "Starting Installation"
	blue=$(tput setaf 6)

	echo ${blue}"Found spotify deb file on" $debfile ${txtrst}
	sudo dpkg -i $debfile && sudo apt-get install -f 
	sudo dpkg --configure -a
	sudo apt --fix-broken install

	sleep 2s
	echo "Installing spotify-adblock"

	yes | sudo apt-get install git gcc wget curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev rustc cargo
	git clone https://github.com/abba23/spotify-adblock.git -b main $spotify_adblock_folder
	cd $spotify_adblock_folder

	echo "Installing the ELF Binary"
	sudo make install

	sleep 2s 
	cd .. && rm -rf $spotify_adblock_folder
	echo "Making Desktop Application"
	cp $desktopapp ~/.local/share/applications
	sleep 5s
	zenity --info --text="Installation Completed. PATH= ~/.local/share/applications/$desktopapp"
    echo "$debfile Spotify deb file does not exist."
	echo "Download Spotify from https://repository-origin.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify-client/ and TRY AGAIN!!"

4. update or upgrade

  • Just change the deb file to latest in folder containing spotify-install.sh script.
  • Run the script it will do the rest.

5. spotify-uninstall.sh

git clone https://github.com/abba23/spotify-adblock.git -b main $spotify_adblock_folder
cd $spotify_adblock_folder
echo "Make uninstall"
sudo make uninstall
cd .. && rm -rf $spotify_adblock_folder
echo "Removing Spotify and its files from system"
yes | sudo apt remove '^spotify'
rm -rf ~/.local/share/applications/spotifyapp.desktop
rm -rf ~/.var/app/com.spotify.Client/cache/spotify
rm -rf ~/.var/app/com.spotify.Client/config/spotify
rm -rf ~/.cache/spotify
rm -rf ~/.config/spotify
echo "Spotify App Uninstalled"

Above script is tested in pop-os, ubuntu but will work with any linux with apt as package manager.

Lets Enjoy Free Music With Out Ads and Without Guilt