Are Ads Following You?

Are Ads Following You?

Why do Ads track you all around internet?

Recently we posted a article about how “private browsing” modes aren’t really private. They still let websites track you across the internet. And also how on how company tracks you while browsing websites in article "I am getting tracked Browsing".

Let’s take the example of company Google. If you ask the majority of people what Google’s business is that they will say “search engine,” but actually Google makes plenty of its money from serving ads on other sites and it around 75% of the top million websites. Put simply, Google isn’t a search company, they’re an advertising company.

Princeton’s WebTAP privacy project recently found that Google’s trackers are installed on 75% of the top million Internet websites.

Google sells ads not only on their search engine, but also on over 2.2 million other websites and over 1 million apps. Every time you visit one of these sites or apps, Google is storing that information and using it to target ads at you. That’s why you may have seen ads tracking you across the net!

If you want to stop websites from ‘re-marketing’ to you, you’ll need to install some free tool which blocks trackers (among other privacy protection features).

Stop ad chasing you today!

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